Saturday, November 5, 2016

Shelter In Place

Our new Group Buy offer this month is going to be a Shelter-In-Place Bundle.  For those that may be unfamiliar with this idea, Homeland Security defines it like this:

"Shelter-in-Place means selecting a small, interior room, with no or few windows, and taking refuge there. This is a precaution aimed to keep you safe while remaining indoors." 

Why might you need to shelter in place?

Chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants could be released into the environment, either accidentally or on purpose.  In the event that our air becomes contaminated, time will be of the essence.  Having the supplies necessary is important, and knowing what to do will be crucial.

What is it you will need?  The basics are plastic sheeting, tape, and instructions.  It's important to note, however, that not all tape and plastic sheeting is created equal.

First, plastic sheeting:

This kit will contain a 4 mil polyethylene roll that is 8' x 50'.  Considering the height of your doors is about 8 ft, if you get plastic wider than that you're going to have to cut it, fold it, or otherwise waste a lot of plastic that is unnecessary. Plus you're going to waste valuable time cutting, folding and making it work.  Remember--the idea is to seal off one room, not your entire house.  50 feet should be an adequate amount for any room in your house, considering you're going to want to pick a smaller, closed up room with fewer windows and doors. 

Second, the tape:

Many recommend using duct tape, which is great and has about a million uses.  However, there are drawbacks to duct tape.  For one thing, it WILL remove paint and possibly drywall.  When it's time for life to go back to normal, no one wants to have to repair drywall and repaint.  In the event that duct tape is all you have, then you should definitely use it because its better than nothing.  The roll of tape in this bundle is also made of polyethylene, so it will expand and contract at the same rate as the plastic sheeting, creating a better seal.  It is 3 inches wide, which will make it easier to hang the plastic and get a good seal quickly.    It is 7 mil thick, so it will be strong enough to hold up the plastic.  Other good news--it's white, so you can tell the difference between this tape and your other duct tape.

The Shelter-in-Place bundle will also come with instructions in a plastic page protector. It's recommended that you decide what room you would use beforehand and then precut your plastic to fit the doors and windows for that room.  You can label them and keep them prepared so that it's quick and easy to get them hung when needed.

Aside from Sheltering-In-Place, this plastic and tape can come in handy for other scenarios as well.  This kit would work beautifully if you had broken windows, storm damage, or any other time you need to seal up a space in your home.  People in Brigham City recently used this type of stuff after a hail storm, and those in Ogden affected by the tornado also needed it.  This is not as far out there as it might seem.

You know that old saying that it's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it?

This is one of those things you should definitely have!  The price for the bundle will be $25. I would love to see every family in the ward get these supplies and have them on hand.  If you don't want to order the bundle at this time, please add it to your emergency preparedness list of THINGS TO GET.

As a bonus, Tami at Prepare My LIfe has a special buy on duct tape.  Duct tape is manufactured by so many companies and comes in so many grades -- from poor to all purpose to heavy duty to industrial.  It is actually quite complicated.  It can also range in price from a few dollars to $40. She has been testing all the duct tape on the market and feels like she has found the perfect duct tape that is excellent for household and emergency prep use but not overkill (like a gorilla tape) and not over priced.    It is so hard to know what quality and what price makes a good duct tape. When I was in her office recently she showed me the different kinds that they tested and the results that her testers presented. I was really surprised to see the differences in the different tapes!  I ended up buying a couple of rolls for myself.  She is willing to make them available to our ward for a special price of $6 per roll.  It is made by 3M and it is a DT8 8 mil tape.

I will be passing around sign up sheets in church NEXT WEEK but you can also sign up at the link below.  

Money is due Sunday, November 13th.  
**On a side note:  I will no longer be able to order products if I have not received the money.  If you'd like to order, please be sure to get the money to me ASAP. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Freeze Dried Ground Beef and other Goodies

We have the opportunity right now to participate in a Group Buy for some amazing freeze dried foods and Cacao Powder.  This is an opportunity that just came up but the deadline is soon, so there isn't much time if you'd like to order.  You can make the checks out to me and please get them to me by SEPTEMBER 26TH.

Freeze Dried Ground Beef

This is USDA grade ground beef.  It packs protein and is extremely easy to use and very versatile.  It is completely cooked and slightly seasoned with salt. The meat is actually quite bland by itself, which makes it excellent for adding to all your favorite recipes without changing the flavor.  All you do is rehydrate for 5 minutes with hot water and use it like you would any cooked ground beef.   Delicious and should be  a staple in your food storage with endless uses (think tacos, enchiladas, taco salad, skillet dishes, soups, anything calling for ground beef).  Each can is 1 lb 11 oz (1.70 lbs) with an estimated 25 year shelf life.  A serving is 1/2 cup for a total of 20 servings per can (or about 10 cups of FD Ground Beef per can).  Normally these cans sell for $48-$50 but we have this group buy offer to get them for $32 per can.  This is an EXCELLENT price and will only go up in the future.

Price per can $32

Freeze Dried Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are loaded with essential nutrients and are an unsurpassed source of the powerful antioxidant, beta cartotene.  They are also an excellent source of Vitamin A and contain loads of fiber and potassium. They also contain Vitamin C, Calcium and B Vitamins.  Wonderful addition to both our diet and our food storage!   They are easily hydrated with boiling water and can be used in baked goods, soups, stews, or simply mashed.  Chunks are just the right size to add directly to a stew.  

Price per can $16.

 Cacao Powder

Cacao powder is full of anti-oxidants polyphenols and flavanols.  It also contains magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, copper, potassium, selenium and zinc.  It is often labeled as a SUPERFOOD.  Some of the touted benefits are that it improves mood, reduces risk of heart disease, combats fatigue, lowers blood pressure, improves brain functions and helps to prevent premature aging. This is not your average Hershey’s cocoa powder—more the rich, dark dutch style cacao. 

Price per can $24

If you would like to order, please let me know ASAP and remember all money is due by September 26th.  No late orders can be accepted.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Let's Talk Toilets!

I know I've already done a post on this previously, but this is a pretty serious matter, so we're going to address it again.  Plus, I now have a group buy opportunity for everyone. 

First of all, I'd like to talk about some of the information I have been reading about water and the importance of storing it.  I don't know why, but the subject of water has been plaguing me lately so it must be important.

Let's discuss earthquakes.

  We live along a major fault line and the likeliness of us having a major earthquake (7.0 on the Richter scale) is pretty high.  This area has typically had this type of event every 350-500 years.  Guess how long it's been since it happened?  350 years.  That means our odds are going up.
The main water pipeline that feeds the Salt Lake Valley crosses the Wasatch fault line 19 times. We also have several other fault lines to contend with as well, including the West Valley fault, the Hurricane fault, the Cache Valley fault and several fault lines underneath the Great Salt Lake and Utah Lake.  Bob Carey, the operations chief for the Utah Division of Emergency Management says that an earthquake of this magnitude will be devastating.  About 90% of all the power lines would go down.  In approximately a week, about 75% of the homes would have their power back on, but water would be a whole different story.
A movement of just inches would be enough to shear the sewer pipes and other utility pipes.  The Federal Emergency Loss-Estimation software, HAZUS predicts more than 17,000 leaks and 10,000 breaks across the regions infrastructure, with outages totalling 95% and 62% with no potable water even after 90 days.  Any water that is available will be prioritized for emergency operations, and emergency officials will be counting on any company with stores of bottled water (Walmart, Target, etc) to fill emergency needs. 
Notice that right in the middle of that bit about potable water you see the words "sewer pipes".  90 days is a long time to go without running water...and it's a long time to be without a flushing toilet also. 
I don't want to scare anyone, but in all honesty, the purpose of being prepared is so that we don't have to be scared.  It will still be scary, but it will be a lot less scary if we know what to do and how to take care of our families.  It's easy to get lazy about preparedness when you never think about what might happen and how you will deal with it.

So what do you need to consider when you start making plans to prepare?

Here are some important factors to take into account:
  1. You will need some kind of alternative to a flushing toilet.  Those with RVs have a great resource, but it isn't enough.  The toilet in your RV is only going to last about two weeks and then you're right back where you started.  If you're going to be prepared for 90 days, you need another alternative.
  2. Many of us have the bucket with the toilet seat and this is a great start.  Several years ago it was common practice to put these kits together with trash bags and kitty litter, but these are no longer advised.  Kitty litter will get hard and can also be sharp when it clumps.  It also does very little for controlling odor when you get right down to it.  The bags will be heavy, if they aren't strong enough or the kitty litter has sharp edges, the bags may break.  That is going to be one super horrible mess.  And remember, you don't have any running water.  It's best to invest in items that are designed for these purposes.  They will cost a little extra but will be worth it in the end.
  3. With raw sewage in your house and no running water,  you're going to want to have adequate cleaners, disinfectants, and deodorizers.  I have recently heard these words:  "If it's an emergency, I'm going to have worse things to think about that how it smells." or "If it's an emergency I can go in the bushes because by that point I won't even care!"  These statements may be true, but why suffer if you don't have to?  I would think any little thing you can do to make things as normal as possible will go a long way to keeping calm and dealing with the important stuff.
  4. In an emergency, the likelihood that diseases can spread because of unsanitary conditions goes up.  Anything you can do to keep your family as healthy as possible will be important.
  5. No matter what, dealing with a porta potty and raw sewage is going to be no treat.  It's gonna be a nasty job at best, so it's important to make sure you have the correct supplies to make it tolerable.  (Recent testers for all the products I am going to offer you said that, regardless of what they used, the job was disgusting, but they were thankful for the things they had to use that at least made the job bearable.)
  6. In the event that you will be using your porta-potty, you will probably have other hygiene matters to consider.  Hospital grade disinfectants and long term sanitizers will not only go well with the toilet system, but in the event of a pandemic or other self-imposed reverse quarantine, they would also come in handy.
We have an opportunity to participate in a group buy for porta-potties and the supplies that go with them right now.  I will be passing around some flyers and information sheets tomorrow in church, along with an order form for those that would like to participate.  It's a lot of information to consider, so please take the sheet, discuss it as a family and decide what is right for you.  Please also consider your budget as you decide.  Remember that a part of being prepared is being financially prepared, and it is never advisable to go into debt.  Do what you can do, little by little.  Each step you take will help you feel the peace that comes with being prepared.

Monday, August 22, 2016

No Water? Concern #2

So...there's a lot of great puns that could go with this post, but I will try to contain myself.  

Since we've been talking about water and what to do when we need it and don't have it, this seemed like an appropriate time to bring up concern #2.  (Sorry, I couldn't help myself.)  We talk about giant disasters like earthquakes or a pandemic, but what happens if it's something as simple as your plumbing in your own house going out?  I shudder to think about it...but sadly, it's a possibility.

Several years ago many of us bought the portable toilets, but many of you may not have them yet.  My family laughed at me when I bought it but all I really had to say to them is "One day you will thank me."  For those that didn't get the chance to buy them at that time, Chris is working on a system for her ward and I'm hoping to ride her coattails and be able to offer them to our ward as well, so I'll keep you posted.  But in the meantime, she let me know about these little beauties.  These are the bags she is planning to get to go with the portable toilet system and she doubts she will be able to get them for the price she found on Amazon today, so that is the main reason for this post.

If you already have the toilet, you may have just the black plastic bags that came with that kit.  These used to be the recommended item for use with the portable toilets, but times and opinions have changed.  After talking with Tami at Prepare My Life, she has let me know all the hazards of using those bags in the portable toilet (and she, personally, takes it as a curse word when she hears someone is going to use them).  Here are the basic problems as she points them out:

  1. The bags are very weak.  Once they are filled and then covered in cat litter, which will harden instantly when the liquid is absorbed, the bag is likely to break.  I'm sure I don't need to paint a very graphic picture of what happens when you try to remove the bag from the toilet.  Let your imagination go wild on this one.
  2. Each bag is meant to be used only once.  Think about how many times a day your family uses the bathroom and then calculate how many little nasty broken black plastic bags that adds up to and imagine for a moment how you are going to dispose of them.  The recommendation is that you be prepared for at least two weeks, so that's an awful lot of bags.
  3. These bags are meant to be used with the portable toilets.  That means if you are taking the toilet and leaving your home, these would work.  However, if you're holed up at home, you may want to be able to use the toilets in your house even with the plumbing not working.  You can't do it with the black trash bags because there is really no way to hook them to the toilet.
Enter the  Reliance Products Double Doodie Plus Large Toilet Waste Bags (6-Pack).  Chris posted this link to Amazon this morning to let people know the price was great.  I, being new to the preparedness game, decided to do a little research myself so I could let you know what I learned. Please know that I have not used these bags myself, so what I am passing on is only what I have read. However, based on what I have read, I intend to order some for myself.  That being said, here is what I learned:
  1. This six pack is meant to last two people two weeks.  They are not meant to be changed out every time someone uses the toilet but are instead good for approximately half a dozen #2s (less, of course, if you have a "large producer" in your midst).
  2. The bags are biodegradable, so all you do is zip them closed and it is safe and legal to throw them in the trash.
  3. They can fit into your regular toilet bowl at home, so even if you don't have the bucket system yet, these would be handy to have.
  4. These work well in RV toilets.
  5. It may be helpful to purchase an extra packet of bio-gel that you can sprinkle in a teaspoon at a time when used to help with odor (but the bags already have bio-gel in them to help with this, so it's not completely necessary).
I'm not going to do any kind of a ward purchase for these bags (right now--possibly later with a toilet system if we can get them for a good price, but Chris is fairly certain this price of $13.95 is about as good as we will see) so if you're interested in getting them, you might want to consider doing so now. Here is the Amazon link again: (They are $13.95 at the time I posted this.)

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Water You Waiting For?

"For many of us, clean water is so plentiful and readily available that we rarely, if ever, pause to consider what life would be like without it." --Marcus Samuelsson

As I stated in church recently, I've been thinking about water lately and how important it is.  Maybe that's because of the incident with the secondary water being shut off and all the lawns starting to die. It led me to the important question...

What if it was the culinary water and suddenly it was gone?

When a disaster is eminent or occurring, water is the first thing to disappear off the shelves of every store in town and many times it runs out completely.  We've all seen those images on TV when a hurricane is coming and the store gets cleaned out of everything.  I'm not sure about you, but I'm pretty sure I don't want to be the one scrambling to find what I need at the last second.
Based on the results of the recent survey that I posted, it seems there is a LOT of need in our ward for water storage!  So (even though I'm a little late and the month is mostly over) I thought it would be a good idea to focus this month on WATER STORAGE.

Many people, it seems, have the barrels for water storage, which is a really good start.  But what happens when you need to leave your home?!  Those barrels aren't going anywhere...  If you have yet to start on your water storage (or even if you have but still don't have adequate amounts), here are some basics to get to started:
  • You should be storing 14 gallons of water per person.  This is just for drinking, and should last for two weeks.  You will want to store more for food prep and hygiene.  Also, plan to store extra for infants or the elderly.  And don't forget your pets!
  • Use only food grade containers.  You can clean out any plastic bottle with a #1, 2 or 4 on the bottom, such as 2-liter soda bottles or juice bottles.  Never use milk jugs!  The plastic will go brittle and break, and there is always the chance that residue from the milk will get left behind in the cleaning process and contaminate the water.
  • Water does not expire.  Water that has been sitting can have a stale taste, but it doesn't "go bad".  You can eliminate the stale taste with a water purifier or by pouring it back and forth between containers to aerate it.  If you see anything growing in the water, chances are good it is contaminated, but that doesn't happen just from sitting too long.
  • Boiling water is the safest method for treating water.  Bring it to a full rolling boil and allow to boil for 3-5 minutes.  Remove from the heat and cool.
  • Water should be stored in a cool, dark place away from direct sunlight.  Never store water bottles or jugs directly on cement--raise them off the ground with wood.  Also avoid storing water near toxic chemicals like solvents, paint thinners or other cleaners.  When deciding where to store your water consider the ramifications to your home if the containers were to leak or break.
  • Consider the three stages of preparedness--walking away, driving away, or staying home.  Prepare to walk away first, because the water you store for walking away can be used if you're staying home but the same is not true vice versa.
I am working on a possible group offering for water storage and hoping to hear back in a few days, so I will let you know!  In the meantime, remember that water storage is really an easy thing to do and if you choose to use bottles you already have, it's practically free!  The important part is to think about it before you throw those bottles away.

Here are some links with more water storage information in case you'd like to check them out:

Also, if you didn't get a chance to pick up the Water Storage Newsletter that I passed out in church a few weeks ago, feel free to download it here:

AND...last but not least...if you didn't get a chance to take the survey about your family's level of preparedness, it's not too late.  I'm using the results to determine how best to help as many people in the ward work on their preparedness as possible, so the more participation I have, the better.  Here is the link:

Monday, July 11, 2016

The Many Levels of Preparedness

 The Story of My 72 Hour Kits

Many years ago, I suddenly got this wild hair about preparedness and decided it was time to really get going.  I got on the "kick" to really get it all done, and decided that since we had none, 72 hour kits were a good starting point for me.  I WENT CRAZY!  When I was finished, I plopped them on the shelves in the garage and haven't given a thought to them ever since.  Now, since I am thinking about it again, I realize I need to go in there and take a look...but, honestly, I'm scared.  Here is what I KNOW I will find (I shudder to think about what I might find that will surprise me...)
  • Sweatshirts and pants in little kid sizes (we're talking LITTLE KIDS SIZES).  Yes, my kids are all adults now, and no, not one article of clothing in those packs will fit a single one of them.  I guess they could still be used if you ripped them up and used them to bind wounds, but if you're a wet, muddy mess or all covered in other yucky stuff, they really aren't going to be any help at all.
  • VERY nasty, tasteless crackers.  I also put little bags of Goldfish crackers in there...because what little kid doesn't want to snack on goldfish in an emergency?  I'm sure they are pounded to dust and probably were from the moment I put them in there and closed up the pack.
  • Packages of instant oatmeal.  I'm sure they have turned into one solid piece by now and you know that really old taste you get with wheat and graham crackers?  I bet it would taste like that.  Maybe if you're starving you don't care, I guess.
  • Candy and gum that has probably turned into jawbreakers.  I guess that's still good.
  • Flashlights with dead (and probably exploded) batteries.  I may have stored the batteries separately, but either way I'm sure they are dead by now.
  • Expired medications.  Just because I don't know what I was thinking.  I think I planned on rotating them out and just never did.  I'm not even sure anyone takes the same prescriptions anymore, but maybe they could be used as a poisonous weapon against enemies.
  • Diapers.  I have diapers in there.  No explanation needed.  Maybe if I wait long enough, I will be the one using them.
There is one thing in there that I know is probably still good...and that is some little cans of tuna.  But guess what, folks?  I bet you anything there isn't a can opener in there!  

Now, some might say "Well, at least you HAVE a pack...we don't have packs at all!  Something is better than nothing!"  But I beg to differ.  Having a pack sitting in my garage might give me a false sense of being prepared (although, really, I have now faced the realities of it all and am ready to deal with the consequences) but when it's time to use those packs they aren't going to do much good, other than maybe some comic relief in the face of disaster...however, I doubt I'd be in the mood for a good laugh at the time.

So what have I learned? It's great to be all gung-ho and get it done, but I didn't have a plan, didn't spend any time trying to figure out what I needed to do and the best way to do it, and because I went so crazy so fast, I quickly lost steam.  The end result is the packs sitting in my garage collecting dust (and probably bugs I'm guessing) and no real plan.

Levels of Preparedness

So in researching how I need to begin, I have found some great and sound ideas that I think will work for me, and hopefully for everyone else that finds themselves in the same boat.  If you divide your preparedness into sections and then slowly (but steadily) build on them, this is the key.

Are You Prepared to Walk Away?

In a nutshell...if you were forced to leave your home ON FOOT and take only what you and your family can carry, drag, push, or pull...are you prepared to do so?

Are You Prepared to Drive Away?

Being able to drive away definitely helps in the amount of stuff you can take, but if you were forced to drive away taking only what you can fit in the vehicles you are taking, are you ready?

Are You Prepared to Stay Home?

This might seem easier, being able to stay home...but consider the idea that you are FORCED to stay home--no access to grocery stores, pharmacies, doctors, etc.  Are you prepared to be trapped at home, isolated from the outside world, for an extended period of time?

Are You Prepared for Your Own Personal Emergency?

This could be something such as a home fire or burglary, an extended illness, or the loss of employment.  It would involve things like insurance and financial stability, as well as a long term storage of food, household and personal items, etc.

As I move forward in ideas and offerings to help everyone get prepared, I'd like to get a small taste of where everyone is at right now.  (No sense finding stuff for 72 hour kits or water storage if everyone is already all set in that area.)  Please take a minute to click on the link and complete the survey.  Don't worry--it doesn't ask for your name so there is no need to feel ashamed if you're as unprepared as me (and if you're all prepared already and just want to gloat, you'll have to get shirts made letting everyone know because this survey won't announce it for you.)

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Flax Seed Info and a Granola Recipe

In the process of doing the recent group buy that included flax  seed, I have been asked by several people what to do with it, so I figured it would be worth a post for those that have never used flax seed before.
If you are unfamiliar with the health benefits of flax seed, you are really missing out! Here are some of the benefits of ground flax seed:
  • Cholesterol.  Flax helps prevent + decrease bad cholesterol and prevent heart disease.
  • Weight Loss Flax helps in weight loss because the Omega 3 tells your brain you are full while the fiber and protein take a long time to digest keeping you full for longer.
  • Diabetes Flax is low on the glycemic index and it helps stabilize blood sugar.
  • Inflammation The Omega 3 and the lignans in flax have been studied for their inflammation decreasing properties. Flax helps with inflammatory disorders, such as allergies and arthritis.
  • Digestive System. Flax has soluble and insoluble fiber, which helps in the digestive process.
  • Healthy Skin. Flax and the Omega 3 help decrease and heal acne, psoriasis, eczema, and dry skin.  I have very specific experience with this one!  Dylan has been having problems on his mission with terrible eczema around his shirt collar.  I sent him a bag of flax seed that he has been adding to his food and his eczema cleared up completely in just a few days.  He had tried a plethora of items he bought at the drug store and nothing was working.
  • Brain. Flax provides Omega 3, which is essential for good brain development, especially in children.  Your body cannot make Omega 3 on it's own--you have to eat it.  Omega 3 can also help with Alzheimers, dementia, sleeping problems, ADHD, and depression. now that you know WHY you should eat it, here are some ideas of HOW you can eat it:
  • Mix ground flax seed into yogurt or applesauce
  • Add ground flax seed to oatmeal or sprinkle it on your cereal.
  • Add a tablespoon to soups, beans or chili.
  • Add ground flax seed to smoothies or other breakfast drinks.
  • Mix ground flax seed into salad or salad dressings.
  • Use as a filler in things like meatloaf, meatballs, or hamburgers.

Ground flax seed will add a very light nutty flavor to foods.  It's best to experiment with it in recipes to make sure you like it.  A little goes a long way--a tablespoon is probably all you need.  Also important to know--in order to get the best benefits from flax seed, you need to use it GROUND.  The whole seeds can be added to salads to provide a nice crunch, but seed in=seed out (the body cannot break down the whole seed and they are generally too small for the teeth to crush them adequately.)

So now for my favorite way to use flax seed--in baking or as a substitute for eggs, flour or the oil in baked goods.

Substituting for fats and oils
3 TBSP ground flax seed for every 1 TBSP of margarine, butter or oil.  You can substitute for all or part of the oil or fat.  This substitution means baked goods will brown more rapidly.  Because the flax seed is dry and full of fiber, you may want to cut back on the flour to keep dough or batters from being too thick or dry, or you can add some additional liquid.

Substituting for flour
While you wouldn't want to substitute ALL the flour, a good rule of thumb is to decrease the flour by about 1/4-1/2 cup and substitute with equal amounts of ground flax seed. Mixtures might be overly thick or dry, so add a bit more liquid if needed.

Substituting for eggs
Mix 1 TBSP ground flax seed with 3 TBSP water and allow to sit for a few minutes for each egg.  Cookies and other baked goods will have less volume and may be chewier than those cooked with eggs.  You can choose to substitute all or just part of the eggs.

On another note, I promised a recipe for the Group Buy Granola that was sent with the Group Buy information.  I still have not tried it, but I would like to.  I'm going to post the recipe here, and if anyone tries it, I want some feedback about how it turns out!

Group Buy Granola
Preheat oven to 275 degrees. 

In a large bowl combine:
6 cups rolled oats
1 cup nuts (any kind you like, I used sliced almonds and cashews)
1 cup dried fruit (any variety or mixture – raisins, golden raisins, Craisins, dried blueberries etc.)
1 cup sunflower seeds
1 cup sprouted ground flax or wheat germ
1 cup coconut (optional – add more fruit or nuts if you are not crazy about flaked coconut)
1 cup powdered milk (Country Cream is the best)
1 teaspoon salt (if you are using salted nuts or sunflower seeds, omit the salt)
1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional)

Melt together:

1 cup honey
1 cup coconut oil
2 teaspoons vanilla

Pour honey mixture over dry mixture and mix until thoroughly combined. 

Spread on a large jelly roll pan 12”x17”.  I like to spray the pan with non-stick spray and then top with a piece of parchment paper and spray again.  The first spray keeps the parchment paper from sliding.    

Bake for 30 minutes stirring twice during baking. 

Store in an airtight container.  

If you try the granola, please be sure to comment and let us know how it is!  Also, if you have any other great uses for flax seed that you'd like to share, please do so!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Inflatable Solar Lanterns

I know everyone probably spent all their money on the honey order that we just finished up, so I hate to strain anyone's budget by offering another opportunity to spend, but this offer came along from Chris over in the Field Crescent ward and I just can't pass it up...

Inflatable Solar Lanterns

Chris brought these over to my house and I cannot adequately express how awesome they are and I never would have guessed until I actually held one in my hands and was amazed.  Here is what is so great about them:

  1. These little puppies deflate and collapse down to 1" thick and blow up to about 4 inches high.
  2. They weigh almost nothing, so with size and weight they could go almost anywhere.
  3. They are solar, so you don't have to worry about buying/storing batteries or worry about the batteries getting old and exploding.
  4. They have three settings--low, high and flashing.
  5. You get 6-12 hours light from a full charge, and they charge in 8 hours.  
  6. They will charge in BOTH direct sunlight and incandescent light.
  7. They are water resistant.
  8. The handle on top lets you hang them anywhere (and they are lightweight, so you can literally hang them from almost anything.)
  9. These would go great in campers, backpacks, 72 hour kits, your car or anywhere else you might need a flashlight or other lantern. (And don't forget scout camp!)
After some searching around, I found the lowest price for this exact lantern was $14.99, but Chris is getting them for a special deal for $11 including shipping and sales tax.  I will have these at church for the next two weeks to pass around so you can see them for yourself, or if you'd like to come to my house to take a look at them please let me know! I will also have sign up sheets available, or if you would like to you can order from here:

All money is due by Monday, June 13 at noon

Monday, May 30, 2016

Do One Thing--A Simple Family Plan

I have a confession to make.  I am not prepared.  I remember a time when my kids were still little and one night I walked into their rooms while they were sleeping and I had this thought go through my head... I couldn't believe I WAS AN ADULT and all these little people were depending on me to take care of them.  The anxious feelings I had about that huge responsibility were almost overwhelming. You would think that this would have motivated me to do what I needed to do to be prepared, but sadly, it didn't.  Up to this point in my life I guess you'd just say I've been lucky.

The other thought that comes to mind is this:  I say that I have a testimony of the gospel and that I follow the prophet.  I listen to conference, I read articles from the Ensign, and I do my best to follow their counsel, yet in this one area I have completely disregarded it?  I have heard MY ENTIRE LIFE from every Prophet that I should be doing this, yet I have ignored it (for the most part) my entire adult life.  I doubt I am alone...

This is counsel that has been given to the Latter Day Saints from the earliest years of the church.  I found the following quote in a talk given by Victor L. Brown in 1980.  (If you'd like to read the whole talk you can find it here.) President Brigham Young, while visiting the Mill Creek Ward on July 25, 1868 said this:

“I believe the Latter-day Saints are the best people on the earth of whom we have any knowledge. Still, I believe that we are, in many things, very negligent, slothful and slow to obey the words of the Lord. Many seem to act upon the faith that God will sustain us instead of our trying to sustain ourselves. We are frightened at seeing the grasshoppers coming and destroying our crops. … I remember saying in the School of the Prophets, that I would rather the people would exercise a little more sense and save means to provide for themselves, instead of squandering it away and asking the Lord to feed them. In my reflections I have carried this matter a considerable length. I have paid attention to the counsel that has been given me. For years past it has been sounded in my ears, year after year, to lay up grain, so that we might have an abundance in the day of want. Perhaps the Lord would bring a partial famine on us; perhaps a famine would come upon our neighbors. I have been told that He might bring just such a time as we are now having. But suppose I had taken no heed to this counsel, and had not regarded the coming time, what would have been my condition to-day.
“View the actions of the Latter-day Saints on this matter, and their neglect of the counsel given; and suppose the Lord would allow these insects to destroy our crops this season and the next, what would be the result? I can see death, misery and want on the faces of this people. But some may say, ‘I have faith the Lord will turn them away.’ What ground have we to hope this? Have I any good reason to say to my Father in heaven, ‘Fight my battles,’ when He has given me the sword to wield, the arm and the brain that I can fight for myself? Can I ask Him to fight my battles and sit quietly down waiting for Him to do so? I cannot. I can pray the people to hearken to wisdom, to listen to counsel; but to ask God to do for me that which I can do for myself is preposterous to my mind. Look at the Latter-day Saints. We have had our fields laden with grain for years; and if we had been so disposed, our bins might have been filled to overflowing, and with seven years’ provisions on hand we might have disregarded the ravages of these insects, and have gone to the canyon and got our lumber, procured the materials, and built up and beautified our places, instead of devoting our time to fighting and endeavoring to replace that which has been lost through their destructiveness. We might have made our fences, improved our buildings, beautified Zion, let our ground rest, and prepared for the time when these insects would have gone. But now the people are running distracted here and there. … They are in want and in trouble, and they are perplexed. They do not know what to do. They have been told what to do, but they did not hearken to this counsel.” (In Journal of Discourses, 12:240–41.)

So the question that I am asking myself do I begin? Most people that haven't started, at the prospect of the monumental task, not knowing where to begin, don't begin at all.  I think that has been my problem.  So the best answer is to start by doing just one thing.

One of the most simple things you can start with is a SIMPLE FAMILY PLAN.  Here are some things to consider as you try to do this:


  • Every family is different, so it's important to tailor your plan to suit your needs.
  • Keep in mind anyone in your family that may have special needs and don't forget pets.
  • Don't overwhelm yourself with too much at once--start with basics.


  1. Start with a family meeting to discuss the types of emergencies that may arise including fire, earthquake, severe weather or other disasters.  
  2. Discuss with children when it's appropriate to call 911 and other actions they can take in an emergency.
  3. Discuss what to do in the event of a power outage.
  4. Pick one out-of-state contact and one local contact person to call in case of disaster.  If your kids have their own phones, program these numbers into their phones and it's also a good idea to have them memorize the numbers as well.
  5. Find safe spots in your home for each type of disaster that might strike and develop an evacuation plan with meeting locations.
  6. Back up your computer files and electronic media.  It's a good rule of thumb to have everything backed up in at least two places, including at least one off-site location (like cloud storage).
  7. Check into your insurance policies.  Make sure you are properly covered and have all the documentation you need in a convenient place.  
  8. Create a list of important contact information and keep it in an accessible place.
The girls over at Food Storage Made Easy dot net have a great PDF worksheet that you can use if you'd like.  It gives some details of how to start your family plan and even gives you the worksheets to fill out if you'd like to print them out.   And...if you don't like theirs, go ahead and make up your own.  Remember that every family is different, and every family's needs will be too.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Group Buy Opportunity

I have spent the last several weeks learning, researching, and just plain trying to figure out what the best way is to build up food storage, prepare 72 hour kits, and do all the other things we need to do to be prepared.  I have come to the conclusion that there is NO ONE BEST WAY TO DO ANYTHING!  That being said, I am hoping to be able to do a lot of diverse things with this blog so that each of us have the opportunity to do things our own way--the way that is best for our family, our budget, and time.  I will be posting not just opportunities to purchase things, but also lots of information worth reading, family projects that might interest you, and some DIY things as well.

That being said, I'd like to introduce you to Prepare My Life.  This is a website devoted to all things preparedness.  Tami, the owner, has spent many years "perfecting" the art of preparedness, and all the things she offers on her website have been tried and tested before she offers them.  When she stumbles upon a great deal, she offers a group buy option and makes things available for a great price!

We have an opportunity for a special purchase price on some great items that you may want to add to your storage (or just buy to use now!)  Please don't feel pressured to buy--always make decisions that fit your budget and your family's needs.  I want to highlight two of the items available in particular because they are things that I buy all the time, so I know how great they are!

Country Cream Milk
This Country Cream Instant Nonfat Milk is my favorite!  I usually get it at Macey's when they do their case lot sale, but this offering is a better price than I usually pay.  In my opinion, this is the best powdered milk you can buy.  (I mix it up and put it into an empty milk jug and no one in my family can tell it's instant milk.)  Each can makes 5 gallons of milk.  You can purchase by individual can or in a case of 6 cans.

Cox's Creamed Honey
This Cox's Creamed Honey is also available.  It comes in a 5 lb. bucket.  This honey is raw, unpasteurized, and will not harden or crystallize like most honey does when it sits on the shelf.  BEST. HONEY. EVER. This is also available individually or in a pack of 6. 
Also available in this special buy right now are these items:  

Coconutreat Coconut Oil and Sprouted Ground Flax.  (While I do use coconut oil and ground flax, I have not used either of these brands, so I don't really know anything about them.)

These items are all available right now on our Herriman Hills Neighborhood page.

(FOOTNOTE:  Anyone in our neighborhood, whether members of our ward or not, please feel free to order on our link and I will pick it up!  Please contact me via email so that I will know about it before I go.  For others outside of our area that may be interested in ordering, I will provide a link below that you can use to also order along with instructions.)

If you are interested in ordering any of the four products available right now, simply go to the link above.  You can read all about the items, see prices, and make decisions about what you'd like to get (or not get).  If you decide to order, go ahead and order them directly on the page, pay for your order, and you're done!  When the items are available for pick up, I will be picking them up and delivering them to you.


There is a recipe that I received for granola using these four items from the Group Buy.  I'm going to make some, and if it's as great as it sounds, I will post it in a later post.

DISCLAIMER:  This is only one opportunity of many that I am planning to post on the blog. Please do not assume I am promoting or advertising for the Prepare My Life website, and do not feel obligated to participate.  


  1. Go to the Prepare My Life website
  2. Click on "group buy" in the upper right had corner.
  3. Join for free.
  4. Order what you want.
  5. Arrange for shipping/pick up.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

"We Are Not Fine. We Are Not Prepared."

“We live in turbulent times. Often the future is unknown; therefore, it behooves us to prepare for uncertainties. When the time for decision arrives, the time for preparation is past.” 

President Thomas S. Monson

Over the past several weeks since receiving the calling to be the ward's canning and family preparedness specialist I have spent a lot of time contemplating what to do with this calling.  I am certainly not what anyone would call a "specialist" by any means, and would, in fact, say I am barely an amateur.  This left me in a bit of a conundrum, wondering how on earth I could help anyone be prepared, when I, myself, am not prepared either.  I have been wandering, lost in the desert until yesterday when I finally received the blessing I needed that allowed me to know how to proceed.  Amazing, how that works, isn't it?

That is what led me to create this blog.  I hope to be able to use it to inspire, to pass on important information, to provide opportunities for all of us (myself included) to do what we have been asked to do from the earliest days of the church--prepare every needful thing.

The following account was written by a man named Matthew Clements who escaped the fires in Fort McMurray with his family earlier this month.  (You can find his story here.)

"A few hours ago my family and I escaped the city of Fort McMurray, Alberta, which as you may have seen on the news is burning. 
"We drove through the fire, avoiding dangling electrical wires. We are alive, we have found shelter for tonight in a motel. But like so many others we were unprepared to evacuate when we were told we needed to. 
"I am going to ask you to do what my family did not do, but wish we did: have an emergency kit ready. 
"Forest fires are not uncommon in Northern Alberta. Each year many fires occur in the vast Boreal forest that covers the Northern Region of the province, but most of them stay contained, or burn a safe distance from inhabited communities. 
"Living in Fort McMurray for the past three years (past two years for my wife Amanda and son Odin) we have been witness to these yearly events. Each time, my wife and I will say to each other 'We should really think about having an Emergency Preparedness Kit'. We talk about it. We say what a good and practical idea it is. Then, like so many others, it gets put to the wayside and forgotten. We’ll get to it, we say, just like how we’ll get to all the other things in life we say we’ll get to eventually. 
"Today that forgetfulness put us in danger. 
"This week my attention was focused anywhere but the reports of wild fires in Northern Alberta. My family was moving to a new house within the city and I was focused on unpacking and getting my son settled back into school. On Monday we heard that voluntary evacuations had started for areas of Fort McMurray in the south end of town. 
"We’re safe up in Timberlea. The ominous thick clouds could be seen over the water across the Athabasca River. We were fine. No immediate danger. 
"Monday evening the winds died down and the fire seemed to be moving away from the city. We were fine. No immediate danger. 
"Tuesday morning, the smoke was not as thick. We sent Odin off to school, I was enjoying my day off and Amanda went to do the grocery shopping before she went to work. We were fine. No immediate danger. 
"Around 1pm, things drastically started to change. I was outside when I could feel the relentless winds change direction. I could see the smoke shift up from the south, moving the fire along the dry brush directly into the path of Fort McMurray and my family. My stomach sank, my son, my wife, we had to go now or we would go never. 
"We were not fine. We were in danger. 
"Looking back on it now, it feels like that metaphor of the frog in the slowly boiling pot of water. We were so focused on getting settled in our new home, preparing for a catastrophe wasn’t on our minds. Brush fires happen, there’s no need to panic, we’re fine. We were fine until we weren’t. 
"I immediately started packing, but had no idea what to pack. What would we need, how long would we be gone, where would we go? 
"Clothes? Yes, we need clothes, but how much? Two days? Three days? Five days? Passports! Where are the passports? Money. We definitely need money. Prescriptions, does anybody need any of those? What about the cats? How much food? FOOD! We need to bring food. I called my wife Amanda and told her to come home immediately and that we had to pick up our son, Odin, from school. Odin’s stuff! I need to make sure to pack his favorite books and things! I frantically went about the house trying to think of all of the necessary things we would need to get out with. My mind raced as I made sure to leave nothing important behind. 
"If we’d had a kit or a list or had a plan I would know what to do and what to bring, but it was too late for that now. 
"When my family arrived home I was waiting at the front door. By this time, more neighbourhoods were on voluntary evacuation, including one in the north end, where we are located. 
"We are not fine. We are in danger. 
"The winds had shifted so fast, there wasn’t time for authorities to properly communicate the urgency of the situation to many in the city, despite their best efforts. We are not being told to evacuate. My gut is telling me we need to go, but I don’t want to be part of a panic, a rush to get out of town that winds up costing lives. 
"Should we go? Should we wait? What should we do? 
"As we listened to the radio and watched the plumes of thick smoke that were beginning to envelope the sky, the urge to get my family as far away as possible was stronger than ever. 
"We are not fine. We are in danger. 
"This radio station says to go North. That radio station says to go South. Family says to go North. Friends say to go South. 
"As we are trying to decide, the radio announces that all of Fort McMurray is under evacuation. Go time. 
"We are not fine. We are in real danger. 
"Traffic is crawling at a snails pace as we attempt to leave. By chance, we had a full tank of gas. Not because we were prepared, only by dumb luck. As we approached Highway 63 we had to decide to go North towards the mines, or South towards Edmonton and the fire. 
"We chose South. 
"What we came upon next felt like a scene from an apocalyptic movie. Thick black smoke, fires on the side of the road, traffic and panicked people everywhere. It felt as if we were driving through hell itself. 
"All my wife and I could say was, 'We should have been more prepared'. 
"We should have had a bag for each of us, ready to go. We had clothes, and some food, and some money, but was it the right stuff? What about a first aid kit? What about water purification? What about personal documents? What about medication? We were not prepared. 
"We made it out. 
"We are now fine. We are no longer in danger. 
"The hard truth of it is that we were very lucky. We got out with some things, but had we been better prepared we wouldn’t have been so caught off guard. Emergency officials did everything possible to get us out in time. They saved our lives.  The winds shifted so fast, it was a worst case scenario. We escaped but seconds mattered and the time it took us to prepare and to make the decision to go could have cost us our lives. Please learn from my family’s ordeal, luck was on our side this time, but it may not be on ours (or yours) the next time."
The Lord wants to protect us, but it is essential that we do our part!  

Being prepared is so much more than having a long term food storage.  I am hoping to post great ideas weekly, as well as provide opportunities for everyone to find what they need for their family and work towards getting prepared.  All general ideas/information will be posted here on the blog, but I would also like to create an email list for those interested in getting direct links to any special offers/opportunities that I find.  Please take a moment to click on the link and add yourself to the list. (Don't worry--I won't be signing you up for anything, adding you to any groups or solicitations.  The emails will come from me personally and probably only once a month unless I find something really great that I want to share.  There is no obligation to buy anything or participate in anything--just a chance for you to see what's out there!)